
22 November 2024

21st NATO Chess Championship

Last player
Laurent Picart
ELO: 2139
Next player
RoundGameResultEcoOpp ELODiff Elo
1Black vs Arturas Voroblievas (1859/1859) ˝ B19
40Replay the game Voroblievas, Arturas             vs Picart, Laurent                  using Silverlight chess board 18590.8415-5.10
2White vs Duncan Harwood (1939/1939) ˝ E70
53Replay the game Picart, Laurent                  vs Harwood, Duncan                  using Silverlight chess board 19390.7615-3.90
3Black vs Henrik Lindholt Nielsen (2008/1954) 1 D00
43Replay the game Nielsen, Henrik Lindholt         vs Picart, Laurent                  using Silverlight chess board 20080.68154.80
4White vs Jan Cheung (2030/2030) ˝ E32
43Replay the game Picart, Laurent                  vs Cheung, Jan                      using Silverlight chess board 20300.6515-2.25
5Black vs József Geröly (1982/1982) 0 D02
30Replay the game Geröly, József                   vs Picart, Laurent                  using Silverlight chess board 19820.7115-10.65
6White vs Attila Demjén (2026/2026) ˝ E70
31Replay the game Picart, Laurent                  vs Demjén, Attila                   using Silverlight chess board 20260.6515-2.25
7Black vs Karl Koopmeiners (2011/2011) ˝ E11
12Replay the game Koopmeiners, Karl                vs Picart, Laurent                  using Silverlight chess board 20110.6715-2.55
ELO-rating 3.5 points in 7 games against an average ELO of 1979 gives an performance of 1979
and a change in ELO of -21.90. You will finde more at the FIDE website.
21st NATO Chess Championship 18th October - 22nd October 2010, Koge Denmark